Kirk Langley Church of England (VC)Primary School
Kirk Langley Church of England (VC)Primary School
Home Learning Policy:
At Kirk Langley Church of England Primary School we believe that education is a partnership between pupils, parents and school. To help maintain this partnership, we have two policies related to the provision of home learning:
A summary of both policies and the full policy documents can be found below.
Remote and blended learning policy
Our remote and blended learning policy was established in 2020 to deal with any disruption to regular schooling following the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19), in line with Department for Education requirements.
This policy aims to ensure consistency in the approach to remote learning for pupils who aren’t in school for any reason.
The policy sets out expectations for all members of the school community with regards to remote learning and provides appropriate guidelines for data protection.
Remote and blended learning policy documents:
Home learning policy
Our home learning policy aims to ensure that parents are clear about what home learning involves during regular term-time, and what is expected of their child to ensure that there is consistency across the school.
The benefit of doing Home Learning shall be established and nurtured at an early age so that independent study will be enhanced as our children move from Primary to Secondary Education. It is school policy that appropriate and relevant Home Learning shall be set regularly for all children. Home Learning supports the development of independent learning skills and the effective use of time and is used to reinforce classwork and encourage positivity for learning for life, as well as to consolidate and/or extend learning and allow evaluation of progress.
We believe that if children are working to their full potential in school hours, then a corresponding amount of downtime is essential for an acceptable work/life balance, although some form of home learning is required. Our Policy provides an outline of what we are expecting due to age and stage regarding time.
You can download our home learning policy below.