Kirk Langley Church of England (VC)Primary School
Kirk Langley Church of England (VC)Primary School
Our Vision Theologically rooted:
Our Christian vision is based on 'A school where every child can shine.'
Daniel 12:3
'Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.'
Our Values Theologically rooted:
In the life of Kirk Langley Church of England Primary School our vision is translated into our values. Our shared values have been developed and are shared by the whole school community. They are central to what we believe within school and permeate our daily work and interactions, relationships and decisions. With these values and our belief that we have a responsibility to give our best in all we do, our children are helped to prepare for their lifelong learning journey.
Community (Love):
As a Church of England school, we believe in serving our community: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself. This means that we are an inclusive school who welcomes all. We believe Jesus embodied the centrality of relationships through which we learn who we are and our responsibility for others. (Hebrews 10:24)
In the life of our school, it also means that we endeavour to nurture excellence in all that we do; both in our learning and through our social interactions. We believe that everyone within our school community should be valued and treated with love, which is at the heart of all we do, and that each of us has a right to grow and become the best we can be. Likewise, we believe that we each have a responsibility to show respect and tolerance towards each other.
Hope (Salvation):
We believe that hope is the expectation of what God has promised: Hope in God’s future for the world: Offering forgiveness, overcoming suffering and the possibility of redemption and new life. (Isaiah 44:22).
This means that in our school we share in the joy that comes in the belief that there is always hope and all is never lost. We aim to build resilience and an attitude of mind that we develop through opportunities to explore faith in God and each other. With this value we reflect on the Christian idea that God has a plan for us, and this helps us to keep going even when things get hard and when we face new challenges. We want our pupils to know and feel that there is nothing that can stand in their way to what they can achieve in life. We want them to leave our school feeling optimistic about the next stage on their journey.
Dignity (Incarnation):
We believe that Jesus came to give life in all its fulness (John 10.10). Through the example of Jesus, all are called to live embodied, fulfilled human lives. (Genesis 1:27)
This is demonstrated in our school through our Positive Play which aims to ensure a secure and thriving environment free from threat, harassment, discrimination or any type of peer-on-peer abuse.
We work to create an environment where all members of the school community are treated with dignity and respect and where all members of the school community understand that peer-on-peer abuse is not acceptable.
Our curriculum ensures a consistent approach to developing pupils love of learning and understanding that resilient attitudes lead to confidence in sharing individual needs and aspiring to be the best we can be. In our school we inform pupils and parents of the school’s expectations and to foster a productive partnership which helps to maintain a thriving, safe and inclusive environment for all to flourish.
Wisdom (Creation):
Growing in relational wisdom, love and compassion – as Jesus grew in wisdom (Luke 2:40). We believe that God created and sustains the world (Genesis 1-2).
This means that central to our daily life in school we know what is right, and understand the impact of this as well as the impact of not choosing wisely. It goes beyond knowledge and information. Wisdom is the ability to make good decisions, and live life well. Wisdom evolves through our experiences and guidance and leads to self-control. In our school we believe that through wider enrichment beyond the classroom, and varied opportunities the pupils will experience creativity, curiosity, judgement and value learning. We want our pupils to feel safe in sharing their areas of strength and are aware of the areas that need developing.
Our shared values have been developed and are shared by the whole school community. They are central to what we believe within school and permeate our daily work and interactions, relationships and decisions. With these values, British values and our belief that we have a responsibility to give our best in all we do, our children are helped to prepare for their lifelong learning journey.