
Kirk Langley Church of England (VC)Primary School

Kirk Langley Church of England (VC)Primary School

Reception Phonics

Helpful Phonics Vocabulary

Digraph — two letters making one sound, e.g. sh, ch, th, ph.


Vowel digraphs comprise of two vowels which, together, make one sound, e.g. ai, oo, ow.


Split digraph — two letters, split, making one sound, e.g. a-e as in make or i-e in site.


Grapheme — a letter or a group of letters representing one sound, e.g. sh, ch, igh, ough (as in 'though').


Grapheme-phoneme correspondence (GPC) — the relationship between sounds and the letters which represent those sounds; also known as 'letter-sound correspondences'.


Mnemonic — a device for memorising and recalling something, such as a snake shaped like the letter 'S'. 


Phoneme — the smallest single identifiable sound, e.g. the letters 'sh' represent just one sound, but 'sp' represents two (/s/ and /p/).


Blend — to put, or blend together the individual phonemes in a word in order to read it.


Segment  — to split up a word into its individual phonemes in order to spell it, e.g. the word 'cat' has three phonemes: /c/, /a/, /t/.


VC, CVC, CCVC — the abbreviations for vowel-consonant, consonant-vowel-consonant, consonant-consonant-vowel-consonant, and are used to describe the order of letters in words, e.g. am, Sam, slam.


Compound word - when two small words are joined together to make one new word, e.g. sunshine, rainbow, skateboard, butterfly.

Phase 2

During this phase your child will learn the sound (phoneme) for each letter (grapheme). This is known as 'grapheme-phoneme correspondence,' or the relationship between sounds and the letters that represent those sounds. In this phase, we use the actions of Jolly Phonics to help embed the learning of those sounds.

Phase 3/4/5

In these phases, the children begin to learn more complex graphemes such as digraphs (e.g. sh, ch, ue), trigraphs (e.g. igh, air, ear) and split digraphs (e.g. a-e, e-e, i-e). Children will progress through the new digraphs in Phase 3, to Phase 4 where they learn to blend and segment longer words with adjacent consonants such as frog, swim, clap, jump, and on to Phase 5 which is the more "complex code". Children learn more graphemes for the phonemes which they already know, plus different ways of pronouncing the graphemes they already know.


Below are examples of some digraphs and trigraphs with the accompanying actions that we teach in school.


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Put you finger on your lips as if you were asking someone to be quiet.


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Put your thumb out to say "Thank you".


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With your elbows at 90 degrees by your side, imitate the wheels of a chugging train moving very quickly.


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Make your hands into duck beaks. "Quack, quack".


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Show your strong arms.


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Hold your nose to stop the stink.


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Imitate rainfall with your fingers.


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Imitate moving the surrounding air with your fingers.


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Play the guitar.


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Cup your ear.


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What do you see? Hold one hand above your eyes.


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Use a mixer in a bowl.


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Twinkle the bright lights with your fingers above your head.


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Make some goat horns with your hands.


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Imitate a coin in your hand.

oo /uh/ and /ew/

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Open the book and smell the poo.


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Push the door.

ow /oa/ and /ou/

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Throw the snow and pinch your arm...ow!


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Put your hands together and make them turn.

ure /or/ and /your/

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Sure its pure - One hand then the other.


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Take your money and pay.


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Put your hands next to your mouth and shout.

ie /igh/ and /ee/

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Tighten up your tie.


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Move like a toy.


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Do two circles with your hands - a whirl and a twirl.


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Make a magnifying glass over your eye - give us a clue.


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Put your hand over your mouth and yawn.


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Blow over both hands.


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Make a phone with your hand.


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Chew motion with your jaw.


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Point to your toe.


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Imitate a haunting ghost with your hands.


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Turn the key.


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Roll your hands over each other and split them apart.


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Hold both hands over your eyes and split them apart.


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Straighten your tie and split your hands apart.


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Point to your toe and split your hands apart.


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Make two magnifying glasses over your eyes and split your hands apart.